A report from the Centre for Ageing Better has found that nearly one in seven workers (14 per cent) who are over 50 believe they have been discriminated against because of their age.

The study “Becoming an age-friendly employer” published in partnership with Business in the Community also found that nearly one in five (18 per cent) of employees have or have considered hiding their age in job applications. Nearly half (46 per cent) think their age would disadvantage them in applying for a job and one in five think people see them as less capable due to their age.

Although two thirds (66 per cent) of employers (and 96 per cent of large employers) have some diversity or equal opportunity policies in relation to age discrimination, nearly a quarter (22 per cent) have faced issues with managing age diversity at work.

Conversely, while 40 per cent of employees over the age of 50 think their workplace has a policy related to preventing age discrimination, nearly half of them (47 per cent) said it had made no difference.

As evidence shows that increasing overall employment levels leads to economic growth, increased demand and a further increase in available jobs for people of all ages, the Centre is urging employers to adopt five steps to an age-friendly workplace to ensure they are ready for the ageing workforce.

It therefore recommends that employers:

  • Should be flexible about flexible working in terms of offering more flexibility, managing it well and helping people know their options
  • Should hire age-positively by actively targeting candidates of all ages, and minimising age bias in recruitment processes
  • Should ensure everyone has the health support they need. For instance, by enabling early and open conversations, and by ensuring early and sustained access to support for workers with health conditions
  • Should encourage career development at all ages by providing opportunities for people to develop their careers and plan for the future at mid-life and beyond
  • Should create an age-positive culture by equipping HR professionals and managers to promote an age-positive culture, and support interaction and networking among staff of all ages


The findings from the report were taken from a YouGov poll of more than 1,100 employees over the age of 50, commissioned by the Centre for Ageing Better.

Gerard Airey of Thompsons Solicitors commented: “It is important that people of all ages feel that they are being treated equally and the report from the Centre for Ageing Better suggests that staff over 50 don’t feel that they are treated equally. The Centre for Ageing Better’s recommendations don’t simply promote specific treatment for employees over 50, but they recommend a standard of treatment for people of all ages and this should be supported to ensure that no employee feels disadvantaged due to their age.”

To download the report, go to the Ageing Better website.