The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is seeking views on a revised, health and safety approved code of conduct.

The consultative document follows on from an earlier consultation to revise the Approved Code of Practice dealing with the Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992.

The HSE is now asking for comments on the revisions it made to both the code and associated guidance material. Specifically it wants to know whether the publication is sufficiently clear to facilitate compliance with the regulations; whether the methods of compliance are clear; and whether there are any impacts from the revisions of which the HSE should be aware.

The code was revised following Professor Löfstedt’s review of health and safety legislation at the end of 2011, in which he recommended that the HSE should review all its approved codes of practice.

Changes to this code include:

  • Removing out-of-date duties and requirements that have been superseded by new regulations
  • Simplifying the language to clarify what dutyholders must do to comply with the Workplace Regulations
  • Updating the publication to include the provisions of the Miscellaneous Amendment Regs 2002
  • Improving guidance, referring to the most up-to-date and relevant advice.

The consultation began on 7 May and ends on 30 July 2013.

To view the consultation document, go to the Health and Safety Executive website