From 2026, large employers may be legally required to report ethnicity and disability pay gaps. A public consultation is now open—will this lead to real change or just more data?
When disability discrimination leads to permanent harm, how should compensation be calculated? In Gourlay v West Dunbartonshire Council, the EAT overturned a drastic cut to career-long loss, reinforcing the importance of proper legal tests and medical evidence in assessing long-term impact.
Can repeated questions about toilet breaks count as harassment? In Sener v London United Busways, the EAT upheld key findings that a bus driver with a medical condition faced disability-related harassment—highlighting the impact of poor communication and insensitive treatment, even without intent.
Can a kind gesture cost you your job? In Hewston v Ofsted, the Court of Appeal upheld that dismissing an inspector for brushing water off a child’s head was unfair—highlighting the need for clear rules, fair process, and caution around vague claims of reputational harm.