The government has confirmed that parents who suffer a stillbirth or the loss of a child under 18 will be entitled to at least two weeks’ paid statutory bereavement leave, as of April 2020 (...).
Section 123 of the Equality Act states that tribunal claims must be lodged within three months, unless it is just and equitable for the tribunal to extend time as a result of “conduct extending over a period”. In South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust v King, the Employment Appeal Tribunal held that a “continuing” act must be an act of discrimination as opposed to an allegation (...).
Although case law has established that workers are entitled to carry forward annual leave from one year to the next as a result of sickness, the Court of Justice of the European Union has held in the conjoined cases of TSN v Hyvinvointialan liitto ry and AKT ry v Satamaoperaattorit ry that annual leave in excess of the four weeks provided by the Working Time Directive does not have to be carried over (...).