A suite of dedicated serious injury claims guides and factsheets has been published by Thompsons Solicitors with the aim of providing information and advice to serious injury victims. 

The news and resources page of the serious injury hub is now home to a selection of downloadable compensation claim guides relating to a range of serious injuries including amputations, spinal injuries, brain injuries and road accidents. The annual serious injury newsletter is also available to download. 

Visitors to the dedicated microsite can explore client stories, Thompsons’ specialisms and learn more about the expert serious injury team

Samantha Hemsley, head of the serious injury team at Thompsons Solicitors, said: “A serious injury can change a life in an instant and survivors may require significant adaptations to their home, an intensive rehabilitation programme or be unfit to work long term or even forever due to the severity of their injury.

“From rehabilitative services and state benefits to an explanation of the compensation claims process as well as useful contacts, we hope our guides will help answer any questions serious injury survivors may have before deciding whether a compensation claim is an appropriate next step.”