Every year on 12 May the extraordinary work of nurses is celebrated by colleagues and patients worldwide
Today [12 May], people across the UK will show their support for the work of nurses, past and present, in a series of events organised to mark International Nurses’ Day 2017.
Annually celebrated around the world on the anniversary of Florence Nightingale’s birth, the International Council of Nurses has chosen “A voice to lead: Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)” as this year’s theme.
It hopes that an accompanying social media campaign, website and video will raise awareness among nurses, as well as the general public and policy makers, of the SDGs and why they matter.
Also known as the Global Goals, there are 17 SDGs aimed at eradicating poverty, protecting the planet and ensuring everyone can enjoy peace and prosperity. These common goals follow on from the Millennium Development Goals and will guide United Nations funding and support until 2030.
In the UK, the Royal College of Nurses (RCN) is encouraging its members, their friends and family to organise events to celebrate nurses and their work in the community, and talk to people about why nursing is so important.
Hundreds have also nominated their nursing heroes – a special colleague or the person who inspired them to enter the profession – via messages that feature on a dedicated RCN webpage and using #nurseheroes on Twitter

Thompsons is proud to represent the rights of thousands of union members in the nursing profession. In our eyes, and the eyes of many, nurses form the backbone of the UK’s health service and make an invaluable difference, every day, to the lives of millions of patients up and down the country.Linda Millband national lead lawyer of Thompsons Solicitors’ clinical negligence team
“As reports of chronic nursing shortages in the NHS continue to make headlines, it has never been more important to ensure the country’s hardworking and dedicated nurses know just how appreciated and important they are,” said Linda Millband, national lead lawyer of Thompsons Solicitors’ clinical negligence team.
“Thompsons is proud to represent the rights of thousands of union members in the nursing profession. In our eyes, and the eyes of many, nurses form the backbone of the UK’s health service and make an invaluable difference, every day, to the lives of millions of patients up and down the country.
“It is scandalous that they have had to suffer pay restraints for so long, with some feeling so unappreciated and burned out amid continued budget squeezes that they consider leaving behind a hard-earned career. Ahead of this snap election, we urge the new government to listen to those working on the frontline and invest properly in our nursing profession and the NHS.”
Concerned about negligent medical treatment or diagnoses? Talk to us for advice and support today.
Our discrete and compassionate solicitors are experienced in the full range of medical injury claims, and will work with you to establish whether you have a claim for compensation. If you, or a loved one, think you have suffered medical negligence in the last three years, contact us for advice.
If the incident happened more than three years ago, you will usually not be able to make a claim for compensation. However, exceptions do apply – such as instances where you could not have reasonably known your symptoms were caused by clinical negligence, or cases involves adults who lack legal capacity or children – so contact us for advice.
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